Master in City & Technology Second Year 2019/21 – Term III
Workshop Name: Algorithmic Urban Design
Total Hours: 12 hours
Faculty: Eugenio Bettucchi & Iacopo Neri

Credits: Barcelona, atlas of green connections – Iacopo Neri, Eugenio Bettucchi
With the growing amount of available data, consistent workflows have become crucial to understand and construct meaningful and sensitive representations or analysis.
The workshop focuses on the application of advanced computational approaches to extract insights and visualizations on city patterns from diverse data typologies. It gives to students the tools to computationally clarify and communicate their thesis hypotheses
The aim of the workshop is to strengthen students’ skills to work in systematic and consistent computational workflows, from raw data to data visualizations. Throughout the workshop students will explore diverse strategies to achieve visually compelling representations of spatial dynamics at different scales. This process will open further possibilities towards comparative mapping analysis, atlas production or the development of an interface.
Eugenio Bettucchi is a civil engineer with a degree in Building Engineering & Architecture from Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna (IT). He developed his thesis focusing on robotic material deposition based on real-time feedback. Actually he is senior designer at Noumena Barcelona, his interests and skills lie in computational design and digital fabrication. He is part of the IaaC assisting students in MRAC (master in Robotic and Advanced Construction) and MaCT master programme. He is also involved in the ROMI project (Robotics for Micro Farming) contributing to the development of autonomous aerial solutions.
Iacopo Neri’s research lies at the intersection between architecture, computer science and urban planning. He holds a Master of Science in Architecture with Distinction at The Polytechnic University of Milan, and attended a Master in City and Technology at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC, Spain) after presenting a paper about Swarm Intelligences for crowd-based analysis during the Responsive Cities Symposium (2017, Barcelona). He has been involved in teaching activities since 2015 at the University of Florence, later, at The Polytechnic University of Milan, and finally at IAAC where he is currently faculty of urban computational design and part of the AAG’s Computational Urban Design Research Team.