The focus of this assignment has been the Mies van der Rohe pavilion in Barcelona. The goal is to create a new architectural element for the pavilion, using recursive growth.


Illuminance canopy

        The concept of tree and branches stretches the canopy with a glass roof running all the way to the pool and roof of the Barcelona pavilion and responding to daylight shadow and night illuminance which creates an artistic balance between nature and structure.


Step:1 introducing the curve which defines the boundary and support of the roof







Step:2 Evaluating length and creating a surface




Step:3 extruding the curve to the floor and the roof






Step:4 converting the surface into the mesh and combining



Step:5 using kangaroo and weaver bird redefining the mesh




Step:6 extracting the points from mesh using the naked vertices and mesh faces and using the anemone running the polyline to the closest point as per the list item from the mesh point








The Illuminance canopy conceptual render





Grasshopper script



Algorithmic Emergence //Illuminance canopy  is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Masters of Advanced Architecture 2020/21 by Student: Karthy krishna  Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre  Faculty assistant: Ashkan Foroughi Dehnavi