Lightweight structures dealt with waste of the future. Pot-holders are used as components that create – a Wired Haven or a shelter for two.
The world, today, has seen a huge advancement in science and technology, wherein, materials are synthesized so as to have a much longer durability than their natural counterparts. Where a normal paper can decompose in a moist fill in 2-3 weeks, a thicker paper like an ivory sheet or a cartridge takes longer to decompose or dissolve. Plastic bags can take up to 10-20 years while aluminium doesn’t go away until 350 years. Even worse is a plastic soda bottle that takes 450 years to get decomposed.

Joining the components
Today, these materials are a lifestyle, but their non-biodegradable characteristic makes them seriously harmful to the future of our environment. They threaten to occupy a considerably large portion of future land on earth.

Hyper component in process
The brief for lightweight structures, 2016, clearly pointed out this issue and attempted to address it by designing from the waste of the future, year 2100.

A wired Haven – 01
This process involved a trip to the nearby Bazaar to choose materials that could potentially be used to design a hyper-component of our lightweight structure. We chose a circular metal pot-holder to work with, since metal is one of the largest non – biodegradable materials , along with plastic zip tags as ties for joineries. Six of these pot- holders were fixed together to form a pyramid like hyper – component.

Line Drawings
Joinery details were fabricated in order to change the angle within these hyper components for variation in the overall form of this shelter for two people.

A wired Haven – 02
The stability of a series of these hyper – components fixed together using zip tags is derived through physical experiments and digital models so as to come up with the final wired form. Some of these pot holders of the shelter could actually be used to hold pots, because of their rigid and stable nature.

The Wired Haven
By arranging these hyper components logically, it is possible to create forms with different heights and variations to build the shelter.

The Wired Haven team
The Wired Haven is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in (2015-16) by:
Abbas Kikali
Mohit Chordia
Prajakta Panchal
Varsha Subbarao
Viplav Goverdhan
Silvia Brandi
Rodrigo Aguirre