Slow Crisis -Architectural Interventions – Rio

The aim of this research-based seminar that aims to build articulated operative knowledge on our curreent ecological transformations their affects and effects on our urbanized world. Following recent claims on the need for a contemporary redefinition of the term infrastructure – soft rather than hard, environmentally resilient rather than mechanistically efficient – we will work on constructing a tool box of engineered landscape mutations.

Rio de Janeiro – Brazil.

Our catalogue of possible sites for architectural interventions & public spaces(with areas).


Why ??

The collage aboveis trying to potray our experience in Rio de Janeiro ,first in B&W show the people living informal settlements or favelas and  somehow want to sustain a better lifestyle ,on the right the images show the people from high income group and in the middle is the common ground of the two. From studying the current economic crisis and situation of the country and experiencing their culture first hand after our trip we have come to see that the biggest threat we encounter is the segregation between the rich and the poor i.e. the people of the asphalt and the people of the hill but there is a place where they meet and this imaginary border is blurred at the beach where no man is above the other and all are one and this only further amplifies the connect of playing football their love and passion for the game is greater than that of any breaking all barriers in between. This attitude continues in the streets where music brings them alive.

“Can architectural interventions help conserve or protect dying social and cultural interactions”

Architectural Interventions are not confined to any single aspect as such for something as little as placing a chair in a square becomes one.They are manipulated to their full potential to give to give the people a much needed experience of spirituality,joy,fulfilment it’s purpose it to elevate something or create new experience in the most uncommon places where expected.Hence we can conclude a successful intervention is always denoted by creating new or amplifying the existing cultural,social interactions in the city.

Why will it work and how

For example in our zone in example is very well connected but not used to the fulest potential it has a lot of dead spaces and abandoned buildings. There is a lot of public equipments and services as well which can cater to tourists hence this area has a high potential to encourage tourism which can be a major source of income generation for the lower income group.

Why choose the small scale ?

Architecture can give better understanding of spaces and can help us rebuild the voids and unused spaces like parking lots, dead parks abandoned and unused buildings to uphost some events every now and then, aiding the both, firstly improving social and cultural interactions among the realm and secondly part of the income generated can help the poor to cater to basic necessities and sustain a better lifestyle.

