The Mobius Augmented Reality Application for Hololens
Double-curved and organic geometries are increasingly being used in architectural applications. Augmented reality devices such as the Hololens are becoming increasingly useful for aiding in the assembly of these complex geometries. These applications allow those with little knowledge of the composition of complex geometries to assemble them by following augmented reality guiding images and instructions.
The mobius strip is a double curved geometry that can be built by any user of the Mobius app designed for Hololens. The application, developed on Unity, shows the user how to angle and place each physical component of the mobius strip by super-imposing the digital images of each component over the physical pieces.

Physical components of the mobius strip
The MDF board and Mesacril fabric are laser-cut into pieces which are assembled using the Hololens Mobius App.
Extracted pages from the accompanying user manual
The user manual is a physical booklet which accompanies the Hololens application.
Extracted screens from the mobius application
The screens captured above are what the user sees imposed over reality, as augmented reality.
Augmented-reality aided assembly
Here, the user applies a strip as part of their step-by-step process.
Mobius is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2022 by Students: Meagan Enright, Fernanda Orviz, Emily Bishop and faculty: Daniel Koshelyuk, Nikol Kirova, Gabriele Lliuda Jureviciute . Course: Fab AR