MDEF Students Join the Citizen Science Revolution

Last week, the Master in Design for Emergent Futures (MDEF) students could celebrate with the Fab Lab Barcelona the launch of the latest generation of the Smart Citizen Kit.

Started in 2012, Smart Citizen develops tools for citizen action in environmental monitoring, community engagement and co-creation. Data is critical to inform political participation at all levels; the new Kit includes sensors such as particulate matter, noise, temperature, humidity and is being distributed by Chinese partner, Seeed Studio.

MDEF students could join the Citizen Science Revolution with this launch event, followed by the documentary developed out of the four-year Europe-funded research project, Making Sense which lead citizen science engagement projects right here in Barcelona.

Mara Balestrini, Guillem CamprodonMatías Verderau and Tomas Diez introduced the session, presenting the Making Sense project, the documentary and Seeed Studio partnership.