Additive Manufacturing with Mud – OTF Midterm Presentations

Last week Open Thesis Fabrication (OTF) students have been presenting the findings of their research at the Midterm review of the course. This year’s OTF is very much inspired by nature itself, with the theme of earth used in efficient habitable spaces.

OTF IAAC midterm

OTF Midterm Presentations

Mud constructions, based on ancestral techniques which take advantage of local materials, are today a viable alternative to meet the world challenges in construction. Their ecological footprint close to zero is a huge advantage over global warming and the need to reduce energy consumption.

OTF IAAC midterm

OTF Midterm Presentations

Additive manufacturing with mud have the potential to reintroduce this traditional material within our contemporary culture, answering the current exigencies of quality, cost and efficiency. New opportunities offered by this technology are yet to be explored, the goal of Open Thesis Fabrication 2016 ?17 is to design and build 1:1 scale passive house using unbaked clay, taking advantage of the latest computational tools and the additive manufacturing process.

OTF IAAC midterm

OTF Midterm Presentations