





Ingeo is a performative material system that uses an Ion Exchange resin coating that can absorb CO2 from our surrounding environment. By using computational algorithms to design and optimize the geometry of the Ingeo module, we are able to maximize the efficiency of the performative coating and increase the amount of CO2-absorbed.

However, if we were to take this module to market, could we supply a range that not only varies with either complex or simplified geometry, however in affordability as well.

With that said, by using the plugin Octopus, we are able to input these parameters simultaneously and find solutions which minimize price while maintaining optimize geometry. This provides a gradient of geometry according to Ingeo’s performance parameters and forms a marketable product range.




Product Gradient // Genetic Optimization is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2018/2019

By: Olivia Alvarez

Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre

Student Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk, Nikoleta Mougkasi