Urban scale and it´s complexities
TEAM: Moises Gamus, Michael Harrison. FACULTY: Luis Falcon, Hemant Purohit
Research on the reorganization of flows and forces that give shape to a city. Starting point: THE VOID (i.e. public space). Finding optimal walking distances between main public spaces (250 mts), a network of movility and interaction mingles through the built environment, emulating the current urban tissue which is a result of self organization… Learning from self organization, understanding its simple rules and its emerging complexity. Mumbai´s reality: TOO dense and still growing. Scarcity of resources: Water, energy and waste management; conflict in movility and lack of personal living space. THE SITE: Saki-Naka / Asalfa
Site Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Insolation analysis and WindFlows
ZONING DIAGRAM. Based on urban densitiy and context (natural and urban)
Program organization based on distance from metro station and topographic conditions.