
According to IQAir, “every year, children spend an average of 1,300 hours in school buildings.”. Research carried out by the University of British Columbia and FPInnovations concluded that the visual presence of wood inside buildings helps reduce stress levels among occupants.

Another advantage of using wood for schools is the reduction of construction time. Timing is almost always a concern, especially for renovations, which usually need to be done quickly during vacation periods.

All surfaces and materials have a significant impact on both the well-being and learning of users.


Wood For Schools is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 2020/21 by Students: Kajal Unahariya, Michelle Bezik, Tullio Polisi, and Ziyad Wassef Abdelkader Youssef Ahmed, and Seminar Faculty: Ignasi Cubiñá, Ariane Lima, Sofía Battistino & María Colantoni.