Wind Drawing Machine

In a setting where a focal structure follows a pattern of motion governed by code, influence of external force adds relational complexity.

This is a machine designed to draw. Two movements generate the drawing. The movement of the holding structure and wind.

The main structure holding the pens is controlled by an arduino code. It is flanked by two fans that simultaneously emit wind setting the pens to spinning and waving motion. The spinning motion is made possible by paper propellers folded around the pens.

This complex dialog among the different elements: main structure, arduino, fans, wind, propellers, pens, paper and line drawing creates a dynamic machinic environment ready to receive urban data to draw the beginning of what can become an active public space.





Machine-generated drawing_01


Machine-Generated drawing_02

Machine logic


Logic drawing: software recreation of machine drawing


Machine isometric drawing



Course: Introductory Studio gA

Course Theme: Active Public Space

Tutors: Edouard Cabay & Rodrigo Aguirre

Students: Nasser Ghannam, Mohamad Rachid Jalloul, Ceren Yildrim & Guolang Zhang