The Script

Movie: The Veldt – 2:40 – 4:03 (1.5 min)



Summary of the Veldt (20 s)

– The clip shown is from the 1989 TV movie the Veldt based on the book by Ray Bradbury

– In this movie, a mother and father continuously place their children within a virtual room (the

nursery) which creates images based on their imagination

– They continue to create the image of a wide open rural landscape in Southern Africa (the

Veldt) filled with a pride of lions

– The lions become real at the end of the film

Movie: The Veldt -20:05 – 20.45 (20 seconds)

Play Sahara movie in the background (at 11.:18)

Relations and Conclusions (1.5 mins)

The Veldt is an interesting example because it shows the technological extreme of how one may condition an indoor space. The five senses are controlled to such a degree that the lions are perceived as real and thus become real.

We made parallels to Bernard Rudolfsky’s text “The Conditioned Outdoor Room”. Rudolfsky proposes conditioning and inhabiting the outdoors as an extension of the indoors while the Veldt shows an extreme example of using technology to condition only the indoors. Although the Veldt is a fictional example, the use and evolution of augmented reality exists and has many similarities to the technology presented.

The border between the virtual and real is not always as clear as one would think. Belief and perception play an important role in defining if something is real or not. With a conditioned perception, is there still a difference between in and outdoors?

Movie: The Veldt -21:37 – 22.14 (20 seconds)

Shall we have a cup of tea?


Theory of Advanced Architecture is a topic of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2016 by:
Students: Connor Stevens, Mercedes Swiecicki and Dirk van Wassenaer
Faculty: Maite Bravo, Ricardo Devesa and Manuel Gausa