W4 – Seminar Workshop – Morphogenetic Fluid Dynamics  (Term2)
Faculty: Angelos Chronis

Building upon the knowledge acquired during the first term on how to setup and run CFD simulations, in the second term we will use iterative simulations, using Grasshopper/Processing and Butterfly/FFD to optimise form for a given problem. The workshop will focus on setting the right geometric constraints for a shape optimisation problem and performing a simple shape optimisation run. Analysing the results we will try to identify performance patterns that will help guide the design of the problem. Students are expected to bring along simple shape optimisation problems that are feasible to explore within the short timeframe, given the complexity of the CFD simulations.

Rhino and Grasshopper will be used for parametric modelling and interfaces to CFD simulation engines, such as the FFD tool and Butterfly will be used for simulation.

Required skills
Parametric modelling and basic scripting and CFD simulation knowledge is required.