AS.2A – Application Seminar
Interactive Public Space
Faculty: Luis Fraguada
Coordinator: Valentina Toscano
Tutors: Irene Ródenas, Cristian Rizzuti

PlayBall! MAI students proposal for LLUM BCN 2018, by IAAC


The Llum BCN Seminar will continue the work from the Term 1 studio and culminate in the installation of the chosen project in mid February.

The seminar will begin with a one week workshop to establish and engage all unresolved issues. The objective of this week will be to clarify all unresolved issues and plan the Development Phase for their resolution.

The development phase will be for developing the final solutions used in the installation. Here, all systems need to be tested and agreed upon. The production phase will focus on finalizing all of the elements needed to complete the installation, including the physical production of installation pieces, electronics, and any digital media necessary for the project.