1 – Agenda

2 – The site

3 – The project

4 – The retrofitting actions

4 – 1 Action 1

4 – 2 Action 2

4 – 3 Action 3

5 – The cycle



THE PROJECT: Urban Accupuncture

My project is about retrofitting an empty block turning it into a public space full of life, a place of gathering, interacting, well being and energy production.

For that I am using urban accupuncture. Using small-scale interventions to transform the larger urban context.

The empy site in front of the art wall will be turned into a multisports playground adapting to the tbe shape of the wall.

ACTION 1: The Floor



“Clean energy is the need of the century,”


Rather than chasing finite fossils like oil and coal, let’s focuses on Earth’s original power plants: plants.

– Plants are the undisputed champions of solar power. After billions of years of evolution, most of them operate at nearly 100 percent quantum efficiency, meaning that for every photon of sunlight a plant captures, it produces an equal number of electrons. Converting even a fraction of this into electricity would improve upon the efficiency seen with solar panels, which generally operate at efficiency levels between 12 and 17 percent.

Process : `

During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, which produces electrons. These newly freed electrons go on to help create sugars that plants use much like food to support growth and reproduction.


Technology :

The technology involves separating out structures in the plant cell called thylakoids, which are responsible for capturing and storing energy from sunlight. Researchers manipulate the proteins contained in the thylakoids, interrupting the pathway along which electrons flow.

These modified thylakoids are then immobilized on a specially designed backing of carbon nanotubes, cylindrical structures that are nearly 50,000 times finer than a human hair. The nanotubes act as an electrical conductor, capturing the electrons from the plant material and sending them along a wire.

In small-scale experiments, this approach resulted in electrical current levels that are two orders of magnitude larger than those previously reported in similar systems.


The Curtain

High-tech CityTree cleans as much pollution as 275 trees

Urban pollution is an enormous problem in many cities around the world, and poor air quality can mean an increase in chronic conditions like asthma, while also making it difficult for people to walk, bike or enjoy the outdoors. One obvious solution is to plant more green spaces, as plants can help to significantly improve air quality and reduce particulate matter, but with urban real estate becoming more expensive, it’s more likely that land will be turned into housing rather than parks.

In our intervention we are using modules of 2meters by 7 inculding 1 meter as a bench.

The differente mudules are placed one next to another with 1meter of space in front of the art wall. 

The idea is to intrigue the person walking by showing her only pieces of the wall pushing her to come inside and discover the atmosphere inside.

The city tree will contain moss in the side of the site.

Moss was chosen because of its biological propertie “Moss cultures have a much larger leaf surface area than any other plant. That means we can capture more pollutants.

But that still leaves the problem of declining air quality. One German startup is proposing an intriguing solution: a piece of urban furniture that combines the power of biology and the ease of automated Internet Of Things (IoT) technology to create what’s called a CityTree.


The CityTree is not a tree per se, but actually a densely packed moss culture, vertically housed in an unit that blends in with its urban surroundings. In an area of 3.5 square metres (37.6 square feet), the CityTree does the equivalent job of 275 trees of filtering the air of fine dust, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide (up to 240 metric tons per year).

In our intervention we are using modules of 2meters by 7 inculding 1 meter as a bench.

The differente mudules are placed one next to another with 1meter of space in front of the art wall. 

The idea is to intrigue the person walking by showing her only pieces of the wall pushing her to come inside and discover the atmosphere inside.

The city tree will contain moss in the side of the site.

Moss was chosen because of its biological propertie “Moss cultures have a much larger leaf surface area than any other plant. That means we can capture more pollutants.

ACTION 3 :The Game

The empy site in front of the 

art wall will be turned into a multisports 

playground adapting to the tbe shape of

 the wall.