Bejing , capital of China , adopted a new urban strategy based on transforming the modern high rise ” gigantic ” building’s skins into more energy receptive membranes . Rethinking building’s exposure to solar rays is the main objective of the authorities , and being able to absorb in the most efficient way is the parameter to follow in order to have the best facade shape for a given building . Using Galapagos ( form finder plugin ) they were able to reshape one of the most iconic buildings of all time in Bejing now which is the CCTV headquarters .

IAAC_Rethinking CCTV headquarters

IAAC_Rethinking CCTV headquarters

IAAC_Rethinking CCTV headquarters

IAAC_Rethinking CCTV headquarters

IAAC_Rethinking CCTV headquarters

IAAC_Rethinking CCTV headquarters

Rethinking CCTV headquarters is a project of IaaC , Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015-16 by :

Student :

Michel alAzzi 

Faculty :

Luis Fraguada