The case I selected is ArboSkin pavilion made from bioplastic by ITKE, which is a pretty interesting façade operation example containing the integrated comprehension of GH code.


pictures from google


Towards this Grasshopper skill examination assignment, instead of 100% percent duplicate the existing work, what I plan to do is a similarity translation with a different form.

picture from Amon V


  1. Building a cube and divided it into certain UV segment with LunchBox.
  2. Make several curves on the surface and use this as the first control parametric.
  3. Create the center point of every piece of triangle with Area and then connect all the corner points with it.
  4. Generate all the closest points on the curve with Pull Point, Calculate the distances and use this as the second control parametric.
  5. Find a point on every single line in the Data Tree and via using the 2nd parametric I just mentioned I can make sure every point hold a different position on line.
  6. Connect all the new created point in every bunch and we will get a bunch of new triangle,which is not regular. all the triangle is in a different form because the parametric design.
  7. Select all the new triangle and move along normal direction. Of course the distance of movement can be different via the second control parametric.
  8. Now we got all the form we want. Then I need to translate it from surface into solid so that I can get a better view.
  9. Turn it into mesh,and give it a thickness by Weavebird.

 picture from Amon V


It is a easy piece to play with the form once the code is done and that is one of the charming parts of grass. Here is some examples of the model.

picture from Amon V

Parametric facade is a project of IAAC (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia) developed at master of advanced architecture in year 2018 of Academic Program by

Student: Yimeng.Wei

Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre