Research and Methods: Cosmogramme Workshop

// Advanced Algorithms Studio Group Cosmogramme

In the Advanced Algorithms Design Studio we explore multi scalar strategies to develop architectural solutions. Our projects: RE{CODE}, City Loop, Vedic algorithmic design, Decode Puuc and MicroCity OS were categorized accordingly for the group cosmogramme.


// MicroCity OS Cosmogramme


The project uses algorithmic design for the assembly and disassmbly of high density projects in order to influence the linear model with which construction and demolition waste (CDW) are being managed from within the building industry. The cosmogramme is divided in three main categories: design methodology, data management, and social + political framework.

Design Methodology

Data Management

Social + Political Framework



microcity os cosmogramme is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 2020/21 by:

Student: Lilett Ricaurte

Faculty: Mireia Luzarraga