The ‘On Drawing and Computation’ seminar aims at researching the relationship between the human, the machine and the digital way of approaching drawings through written protocols and computer codes. By the force of repetition a signature becomes an automated gesture. Here, its small curvy movements get repeated obstinately in three ways: mathematically coded, mechanically scribbled and manually calligraphed. The first approach aimed at achieving a pattern of computational drawings that sets a signature  for participants.


The Digital Drawing:
A mathematical equation results in the production of generations of drawing patterns. Generation of curves evolved with different population patterns, crisscrossing, looping and constantly self-intersecting.

The algorithm draws a curve as an initial output. Parameter manipulation of the curve created possibilities of its infinite variations. Then the curve is divide into ‘n1’ points through which the second generation of curves are drawn and oriented at an angle. The second generation of multiple curves are divided into ‘n2’ points, through which an interpolation curve is drawn. This is the final output curve. The final selection:

The Machine Drawing:
The relentless synchronized linear motion of a CNC machine, rhythmically corrupted by the local rotation of a pen, whereby change occurs with the velocity and trajectory of the motor, leaving behind a trace of looping curves that replicate the computer drawing through the kinematics of the pen.

The Human Drawing:

The written human protocol directed an artist to draw the patterns based on his reading and understanding of the protocol which was written for the human hand to imitate the motion that replicates the machine and the digital drawings. The artist was asked to draw without being allowed to look at the digital or the machine drawings:

The comparison between one of the digital drawings and one of the human drawings:

“Diffuse” is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2018 by:
Students: Gabriele Jureviciute, Deepak Sivadasan
Faculty: Edouard Cabay
Faculty assistant: Keesje Avis