
How we can understand the structure of all the knowledge? How a thinking can be understood? Its not a temporal and linear structure, even try to understand this is a dangerous challenge. Trying to push us to start to think about that, Delouze materialize this comparing with Rhizomes, what he defines like “the image of thought” The notion of rhizome was adopted the structure of some plants whose buds can branch out at any point. The structure of knowledge is not derived by logical means , a set of first principles , but draws up simultaneously from all points under the influence of different observations and conceptualizations, is multiple and non-hierarchical. Delouze propose what can be divided into two types of systems : a centered and focused like the root systems and can be classified as centered , focusing on hierarchical branching structures , in which each individual recognizes only his superior neighbor. The condition is established in repeat centered system when the ramifications of its branches and roots also repeated on the leaves , are necessarily continuous systems . He point out that even when it is believed to reach a multiplicity , it may happen that this multiplicity is false. In contrast,  is a centered, and a focused, like a rhizome, a network of finite automata . The condition of this type of system is the complexity in which there is not a decal , a copy of a central order, but multiple connections that are established at all times , a constant flow of deterritorialization and reterritorialization .