The main objective of this assignment is for students to utilize Evolutionary solvers in order to optimize a studio or seminar project. With the help of Galapagos (or similar) or Biomorpher, students will search for the most optimal solution (maximize, minimize, or reach a certain fitness) in the architectural environment. The result of the exercise should be a series of optimized elements which can help to drive the project forward.



Project Abstract:-

Clayphene is a research project about embedding heat generation properties in clay by creating a clay composite with graphene and its building system such as wall or floor which can replace present day heating systems such as electrical heaters, a/c, etc. & also to re imagine interior spaces with this new building material and its system.


With the help of Galapagos( a solver) i have tried to optimize the use of heat in interior spaces by optimizing the proximity of furniture and heating walls with each other.



Psudo Code :-

  • Create Interior layout plan of Clayphene wall and furniture for different spaces such as office, meeting room, reception, work spaces
  • Create possible placement areas for wall in plan
  • Evaluate Placement area of walls by uv points with gene pool in X & Y Direction
  • Also give Plane rotation for uv points
  • Create stream filter for collision between wall and furniture, so if walls and furniture collide it will give penalty and solver will chose fitness value in which they do not collide

Fitness Value :-

  • Proximity distance between Clayphene wall Partition and furniture without them colliding with each other.

Parameters :-

  • Wall Placement with proximity to furniture
  • Rotation of Wall
  • Movement of wall

Catalog :-

.Grasshopper Script:-




Generic Optimization is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
developed at Computational Design, MAA01 in 2019 by:
Students: Neel Prajapati
Rodrigo Aguirre
Tutor Assistants:
Daniil Koshelyuk
Nikoleta Mougkasi