The final submission for Computational Design, consists in a process of generative design by using the Grasshopper Component Anemone. Starting from a base Isocahedron, the transformation applied to the faces of the basic geometry and controlling the iterations within the loop, lead to a generative succession of lines that seems like the growth of a flower.

The process of extraction of the faces of the basic geometry and then through a series of transformation, Scale, Move, rotate, the final geometry  as a result was of organized set of curves.





Generative Lotus_IAAC

Generative Lotus_IAAC

Generative Lotus_IAAC

Generative Lotus_IAAC
Generative Lotus_IAAC

Generative Lotus_IAAC

Generative Lotus_IAAC

Generative Lotus_IAAC








Generative Lotus is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

developed at Master in Advanced Architecture,

in 2016-2017 by:

Student: Alvaro Meza M