The ‘Gamification’ of our projects is not only a possibility, it will become the defacto standard for architectural presentations. With the availability of powerful graphics card, Virtual reality is one of the most innovative modes of presentation, with still images taking a back-step.

The exercise was to import any  project into Unity 3D and create an interactive experience of the project.

Plaza Espanya  being the site of investigation in our Introductory Studio, it was chosen to present the experience of the plaza in the absence of cars. The plaza would be filled with greenery and landscapes.


The 3D model of Plaza Espanya was built on Rhino, to be exported on to Unity as .obj file.


While exporting the file to .obj format, the axis of the file will have to be taken care of. The axes in Unity 3D is revered from that of Rhino.


Once the model is imported into Unity 3D, a terrain has to be created for the objects to rest on. This terrain can be made in to a mountain and countoured. The textures can be added to all the meshes with the preset library in the Unity 3D.


Several assets can be downloaded in the asset store, out of which the standard asset and terrain assets have trees, car. etc,. These can be added in large number and sizes by setting the size of the brush.

Once the model is built, animation can be set and the game can be exported into an application using the Build and Run option under the File menu.

Gamification is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015/2016 by:

Students: Varsha Subba Rao

Faculty: Luis E. Fraguada