Suite Life. "Top 5 Barcelona Neighborhoods." Accessed February 10, 2014. 

<p>” src=”×391.png” width=”730″ height=”391″ /></a>  Our investigation focuses on tourism, specifically on the positive and negative effects it has in Barcelona. Therefore, as a matter of this topic, we have had to study the foreign nationals that have settled in the city; being the top majority Pakistan, Chinese and Italian.  With the data used for this assignment, we can now compare the number of households in 11 selected neighborhoods of Barcelona and how many of these dwell foreign nationals.  Not only can we know the amount of households with foreigners, but also how many of them are in each home.  <span id= Open Data BCN. "Households with Foreign Nationals." Accessed February 7, 2014. Last modified January 15, 2014. 

<p>” src=”×349.png” width=”730″ height=”349″ /></a>     <a href=Graphs   Image A shows a perspective view of the modeled data from grasshopper. We notice how the homes with 0 Foreigners are more abundant than those with 1 or more. Image B compares the amount of housing per neighborhood. As a result, La Nova Esquerra de L’Eixample has the most households and El Barri Gótic the least. Furthermore, image C compares the difference between number of foreigners per household. As a result, the homes with 3 foreigners appear to be the least common and the homes with no foreigners the most, followed by the ones with just 1 foreigner.   Source:

1. Open Data BCN. “Households with Foreign Nationals.” Accessed February 7, 2014. Last modified January 15, 2014.

2. Suite Life. “Top 5 Barcelona Neighborhoods.” Accessed February 10, 2014.