Computational Design / Assignment 3

The aim of this assignment will be to create an live-interactive installation using forces as parameters using Kangaroo as main engine. The main goal will be to build a simple interface where the user can play with inputs such as attractors, sliders, functions and
time to transform an object in space. The selected location for the installation will be the IAAC rooftop area.

This project explores the tensile structures that can be achieved by kangaroo plug-in. By adding forces and behaviors to a base geometry Kangaroo solver is able to deform de base geometry according to the forces applied. Changing these forces have different effects on the same geometry therefore we can get many iterations from the same grasshopper code.


Computational Design // Forces of Nature is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019/2020 by:
Students: Deniz Akyürek
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre