
Using forces as parameter and using kangaroo as main engine. Create a interactive installation on iaac rooftop area.
Mainly force using: Wind, Gravity
Parameter: Wind power, Wind direction, Springs elasticity.


The attractive part of wind is randomness and nonrepeatability.  Even given same parameter, the results are different. It change all the time. The thing I need to do is catch the impressive moment.

Computational Process

1.Create a quadrangle and stretch it. This is base geometry.
2.Anchor three corners and one diagonal on the floor.
3.Use wind and gravity deforming the base geometry.
4.Create a sphere, use the vector from original point to points on the sphere controlling the wind direction.
5.Use nod to make the edges keep straight.


Wind stimulation display

Since wind is a continuous changing process, I choose  step solver to control the process, which is easier to record the impressive moment.

Edge strength: 19   Internal strengh:6    Wind power:3.0 Direction: from top to front side

Edge strength: 19    Internal strengh:6    Wind power:3.0    Direction: from top to right side.

FORCES OF NATURE | is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by:
Student: Hongyu Wang
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre
Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk, Nikoleta Mougkasi