1. Problem Statement
By 2030 world´s population will have increased from 7 Billion to 9 Billion people
To feed our species we will need to produce more food with less resources
60% of that population will live in cities
2. Vision
Our Goal is to reconnect people and cities with food
Our Strategy is to recycle waste to produce sustainable food and energy
Our Vision is to create an urbanfarming model ecosystem that works like an engine loop
3. Tools
We will focus on abandoned urban sites next to key public buildings in our site (schools, libraries, sports centers…)
We will deploy recycled cargo containers that will work like energy transformers to retrofit those buildings and sites
The transformers will convert organic waste and greywaters from the buildings into fertilizer and clean water for the urban farms.
The outputs of each retrofitted cell: food, energy and knowledge, will be shared in a community network, a smart grid where everyone is a provider and a user.
Each cell composed by Building + Transformers + Site will become an example for other projects in Barcelona and around the world.
Our vision is to create a strategy and tools role model that can work anywhere in the world, and provide people with the power they need to live and keep evolving.
Video Presentation: