Fiber-Tangled AR Application

Mixed Reality Application


Fiber-Tangled is a project about exploration of the extents and the limitations of using Non-woven Natural Fibers and Bio-Binder composite to fabricate sustainable structures using Spraying as a Technique.

Fiber-Tangled is a research done in Digital Matter which also has an AR application which is built to help the user in two steps. First to visualize the geometry from all aspects. Second and the important part is to help to user to knit the sub-structure for Fiber-tangled project. The AR application will show step by step how to knit. From the first step where/how to start until the end with animation.



Fiber-Tangled AR Application  Is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019/2020 by:
Students: Nareh Khaloian  and  Faculty:  Starsky Lara