Digitalisation of the Construction Sector

Transforming the construction sector into a more adaptable, equal and sustainable environment through digitalisation


Recent studies have revealed that construction is one of the least digitized of all the sectors. While we live in an era of unprecedented technological advancements that have enhanced our everyday communication and have automated labor-intensive, unsafe, and repetitive tasks, the construction industry has not been able to progress. The result of this is; low productivity, high error margins, failure to meet deadlines, etc. The goal of this research is to define how new digital tools can enhance the operations of the sector, create guidelines to assist its digitalisation, and better understand the positive impact this transformation can bring.

The full presentation of this research can be found here:

Digitalisation of the Construction Sector is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction in 2019 by:
Students: Gjeorgjia Lilo, Anna Batallé Garcia, Elena Jaramazovic
Faculty: Mathilde Marengo