dense 1

dense 2

Density is about volume, volume of building, people or material.

On the map the first layer is about the density of a building. A physical mass that can be felt when one is around it.

On the contrary, second layer is about a silent mass which is present but not felt with the same intensity. It’s about the density of people.

When the two layers were put together we realized that both the densities are dependent on each other. So the result was that the most densely built building was also the most populated area.


Below are the pictures taken at three different times of the same day :


Dense – Felt and Not Felt is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City and Technology in 2015 by:

Students: Rahul Pudale and Mohit Chaugule

Faculty: Mar Santamaría and Pablo Martínez