Data Informed Structures
Pleats m wedding centre by Hironaka Ogawa & Inflatable Diamond Grid Eco-Pavilion by Various Architects

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Folded plate shell structure is influenced by case study

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Changing of grid density

Displacement-With the increase in grid density, the individual plate sizes reduce in area and hence prevents the members from deforming.

Utilisation-The utilization as seen is the first case is highest at the top, as the spanning members are larger in surface area. This utilization is spread out evenly with more
.grid density, as smaller segments allow the load carrying capacity to divide almost evenly among each segment.


Changing of distance between the supports

Displacement-The increase in spanning distance if compared between the 1st and 2nd case shows increase in displacement, as the grid density in disproportionate
to the span, but with larger spans the deformation is the least in the 3rd caseas it is more or less evened out throguhout all the members. But with
.further increase here onwards, the arch behaves like a beam thus causing excess displacement in the centre and least at the ends

Utilisation-with the span being the least in the 1st case, the utlization is the most at suppport ends as there is an immediate load transfer at these
points. But with the increase in span, the maximum utilization shifts from the ends to the centre of the shell, indicating the change in
behaviour from an arch to a beam causing excess utilization in the centre.


Changing of the height of the arch

Displacement-Considering the 4 cases, it can be concluded that the height of the peripheral arch does not really affect the overall structural performace,
Apart from the fact that the overall displacement is slightly altered. This is due to an effect of the height difference between the centre
and the end of the shell.

Utilisation-The result for the utilization in this analysis is the same as for the displacement. The utilization remains constant without major changes in
the structural performance.


Changing of the height of the arch

Displacement-From the first to the last case, the geometry evolves from behaving as a beam to a much higher arch, thus allowing it to resist the displacement efficiently.
As also observed, the maximum displacement shifts from the centre of the arch to the end supports thus justifying the efficiency of the arch increasing
with height.

Utilisation-The evolution from the first to the last case gives better result in terms of lesser utilization. The maximum utilization position shifts to the centre in the 3rd case,
as the height makes it flat at the top and hence behaves like a beam, causing more utilization at the centre. The rest having an arched profile both at the top and
bottom causes it to have least utilization at the centre.


Changing of cantilever length

Displacement-The displacement reduces from the first two cases as the more you pull the side arches, it tends to fall downwards and thus allowing it to be in its natural
tendency of dropping down with gravity. and hence having less displacement at the ends where there is maximum cantilver and more on the opposite
side. This can compared with an example of “Slinky” – the spring toy.

Utilisation-The utilization behaves similar to the displacement. The example of the the spring toy relates to this situation as well.

Data informed structures – Shell Analysis is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2015/2016 by:

Data informed structures : Assignment 1

Students: Inthat Ueasak-aree

Tanuj Thomas

Faculty: Manja van de Worp

Assistant: Nina Jotanovic