The aim is to create citizen centered feedback loop that encourages public participation in decision making processes of the city and engages citizens in a productive dialogue with service providers (governments, institutions, private companies) to share their ideas and constantly improve services.


SurFace is a platform that aims to improve services in the city by collecting the data through social and physical interaction, to generate information.
The existing emotions, feedback and occurrences of citizens are captured with new infrastructure. Infrastructure that enables people to geo-locate their feelings regarding a particular sector of the city, place hashtags with keywords that identify those emotions and finally, the platform also allows to share comments or feedback.

This information from people gives understanding of the realities that citizens live with their environment. With this information, developers, technologists, planners and of course companies can generate solutions adapted to these realities.


The relevant information filtered with location and date can be directed to the local government, private companies and institutions. Once the platform is processed, it allows open discussions on specific topics projected on public spaces (surfaces) in the city.

The idea of interacting with physical space on a large scale in real time can generate a social impact and in turn can drastically change the physical space.



The data obtained from private companies, institutions or local governments are crucial for decision-making in projects that aims toward improving services in our cities.

SurFace also nourishes the culture of ??active public participation to enhance services offered by the city.

SurFace is not a project that seeks to solve a particular problem, it is a methodology that aims to make the expressions of people matter, the very people who inhabit certain urban space.

Citizen Services for Productive City and Governance’ is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in City & Technology in (2019/2020) by:

Students: Michelle Carolina Rodríguez Ruiz, Akshay Marsute, Linara Salikhova

Faculty: Kathrin DiPaola, Julius Streifeneder