The unity seminar brief required us to create a VR environment which, at the same time, had to deal with food and gastronomy.

The game CandyMountain was a simple puzzle solving game in which the users first started off in a dark forest of gloving mushrooms. The user was given a flashlight in one hand to navigate through this virtual dark world. The objective of the game was to search for floating candies which were placed around the map.

Once the user entered the collision field of these candies they would be transported into a bright and some what pschedelic visuals while they were handed the respective candies in the real world. The idea was to show how we could achieve such visuals in the virtual world and how to pair it with different kinds of candies.


IaaC MAI- 2018

Students – Shahram Randeria

Faculty – Starksy Lara , Martina Menegon