Students: Nayla Bou Maroun, Shalini Brahma, Mehmet Bostanci ( group 06)
Tutors: Alexandre Dubor, Djordje Stanojevic, Kunaljit Chaddha
Fabrication Process – 3D Priniting – ultimaker
Material Used – opaque white
Printing Time –  8 hours



As we all know, 3d printing is good for irrational shapes. So we wanted to base our concept on finding a shape that would show the transition between order and randomness as well as getting inspired by some shapes we could find in nature: jellyfishes. We got inspired by its form: the umbrella-shaped bell and the trailing tentacles, as well as its lighting phenomena.


The material we had to use is opaque so we decided to cover our bulb and work with indirect light. We first used a conventional lamp cover shape to cover the bulb and to create a contrast with the freeform of overlapping tentacles hanging from the inner grid that we created in order to improve stability and strength.


Before printing our final lamp, we had to change some things in order to fit to the rules of 45 degrees and 2cm max horizontal bridges, and to respect our time limit.



So 8 hours later, our lamp is ready and cleaned. Once its lightened up, the gradient of light glowing from its head is remarkable since the inner thickness gets thinner starting from top to bottom, as well as the diffusion of light thanks to tentacles.


Blooming Light is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

developed at Master in Advanced Architecture, in 2016

Faculty: Advanced Architecture