A group of eleven undergrad students from Tecnologico De Monterrey Campus Monterrey have constructed a Parametric Pavilion as a final exercise for the semester. The project started with an algorithm created by one of the students were a pyramidal shaped component was placed across a vaulted surface, creating a strong differentiation by changing its height.



Pseudo Code:

  1. Draw the basic profiles of the curves.
  2. Divide the curves.
  3. Use weave component to obtain the vertical profile.
  4. Divide vertical profile and interpolate to get the horizontal profiles.
  5. Use network surface.
  6. Divide the surface into panels.
  7. Obtain the centroid of each panel and move in normal direction.
  8. Extrude point to get the pyramids on each panel.





Animated System Design||Parametric pavilion in Monterrey is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at the Master in Advanced Architecture in 2018 by:
Student: Juhi Bafna
Faculty: Rodrigo Aguirre, David Andres Leon
Assistant: Daniil Koshelyuk