Agrollies of Llobregat is a project proposal for Parque Agrario de el Baix Llobregat, that has looked into the existing relationship of the surrounding thirteen municipalities and the agricultural park.

This project aims to reconnect the park back to the towns as the edges of the towns have created a tight barrier with highways and industrialization in between, reducing the physical engagement of the park to the surrounding municipalities. Furthermore, the project also aims to revitalize the Park of Llobregat since there is a lack of development inside the park itself.

By incorporating the concept of points, lines and surface derieved from Parc de la Villette.

We aim to stitch the Park of Lloregat to the surrounding municipalities by creating a
network of point acting as a “follie” with a functions, now known as agrollies, to go beyond the border and within the park. The functions of the agrollies derive from the problems and opportunities the site gives us.

A “food highway” will be introduced to connect the agrollies.
This will emphasize on the movement throughout the park and place making.

The agrollies and food highway will reactivate the park by provoking more user engagement with the site and stitching together the park to the surrounding municipalities .


X-urban Design // AGROLLIES OF LLOBREGAT is a project of IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2020/2021 by:
Student: Rosamary Machado & Daniel Sorial