Advanced Robotic Fabrication – Serpentine Slab

Objective: Utilising robotic construction to challenge the traditional tectonics of an architectural slab


_module prototyping

_selected module & fabrication process

_final prototype & details


Architectural Vision

_concept: exploring the deformation of the slab and how the module responds to a change in tectonic


_01 heritage building as the architectural context

_02 introduction of multiple levels

_03 connecting the three levels…

_04 as a singular entity

_05 deformation of ramp and slab assembly

_06 population with rebar module


Advanced Robotic Fabrication // IaaC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Developed at Master in Advanced Architecture in 2019 by:
Student: Antonis Nikitaras, Apoorva Soni, Eszter Olah, Filippo Testa, Ivan Marchuk, Manan Jain, Vien Nguyen
Faculty:  Alexandre Dubor, Rodrigo Aguirre, Nikoleta Mougkasi, Ricardo Mayor