IAAC Lightweight Structures at the London's Fab Fest 2017

The International Fabrication Festival FAB FEST in London is a week-long celebration of design and making, featuring over 50 pavilions built by students of architecture from around the world.

Two of the pavilions created during the Lightweight Structures Seminar, the Cantilever and the Pixel pavilion, have been part of this year’s edition “Pop-up City” which challenged the participants to design and build the cities of tomorrow.

The Lightweight Structures course explored this year the topic of the folded surfaces, more specifically the capability of a plan to acquire structural stiffness through folds and the possibility of components to interlock together thanks to geometrical logics.

The Cantilever Pavilion was designed with a Voronoi pattern and inspired by nature, while the Pixels Pavilion is a self locking structure, made without the use of any adhesive, which get stiffer while it grows.